Jabba Hutt accessories

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Jabba Hutt accessories  Empty Jabba Hutt accessories

Post by VintageHutt Thu Dec 31, 2015 2:22 am

Hello! I'm new to this site, and I am just a very novice "collector" trying to determine the value of the vintage Star Wars collection that I have saved in my parents basement since I was a kid...

I have a specific question regarding my 1983 Jabba the Hutt playset. I have the full set in the box. The box is open and not in great condition, however, all of the figures are still in the unopened plastic bags. Here is where things get a little unique. In the box it includes 2 additional figures that don't seem to normally have been included with this set. It includes a Weequay and a Chief Chirpa Ewok, both still sealed in the clear plastic bags with blue Kenner print. Does anyone know why this 2 figures would be included in this set? Does this make it more valuable?

In addition, I have some other cool original items, but in played in condition:

- the Droid Factory in the box
- Landspeeder
- Speeder Bike
- Trooper Transporter
- Tauntaun
- 8.5' Yoda Puppet
- Darth Vader carrying case
- misc paperwork, stickers and newsletters from the Star Wars fanclub 1982 & 1983
- 30 loose action figures from the original 3 movies
- black digital Star Wars watch

Thanks for your time!


Corellia Chugen

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Jabba Hutt accessories  Empty Re: Jabba Hutt accessories

Post by Dr Dengar Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:38 am

Welcome aboard Sean. welcome

Great thing that you still have your childhood collection at your parent's place. Very Happy
It would be a great start of a vintage collection.

The Jabba Dungeon playset is the one with a grey or tan base?
The one with a tan base including Barada, Amanaman, and EV-9D9 is the rarer version.
Complete and in mint condition I guess it must be in the 700-800 $ range nowadays.
The other set with Nikto, Klaatu, 8D8, probably in the 350-400 range.
It would be good to have a second opinion on those values.

The Chief Chirpa and Weeguay baggies were normally not included in these play sets.
Interesting to know how they ended up in the box.
Do you have a picture of the front and back of the box?
In the tutorial section you can read how to easily do this for instance by using the TXI tractor beam.

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Jabba Hutt accessories  Empty Re: Jabba Hutt accessories

Post by General Kahn Thu Dec 31, 2015 10:35 am

Is there any form of label on the Jabba box, making reference to figures included, sometimes other countries had bizarre offers like this, although I've never heard of this on a Jabba before.
If the figures where part of the Jabba set then there would almost certainly be some 'offer' reference to this on the box.
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Jabba Hutt accessories  Empty Re: Jabba Hutt accessories

Post by VintageHutt Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:43 pm

I am trying to attach pics from an iPhone ?..
Corellia Chugen

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Jabba Hutt accessories  Empty Re: Jabba Hutt accessories

Post by Dr Dengar Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:56 pm

Try using the classic version as the mobile version needs to be optimized.

Does this work for you?
Dr Dengar
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Jabba Hutt accessories  Empty Re: Jabba Hutt accessories

Post by Ian_C Fri Jan 01, 2016 9:30 am

While I don't claim to be a Jabba expert, it sounds like from the description you are talking of the regular Jabba playset, with Salacious Crumb? Or is it the Dungeon playset (you mention the Droid Factory - both Dungeon sets used different colored re-released Droid Factory sets as their base).

For the Dungeon, I've only ever heard of the two figure sets Dr Dengar mentioned, and never heard of any regular Jabba sets having baggied figures. An Ewok doesn't make much sense either. Do you ever remember getting a multi-pack of figures from ROTJ? It's possible you had one of these, and simply tossed Weequay and Chirpa into the opened Jabba box.

Also, a picture of the watch would help. Some of them, especially working, are worth $75 and up without packaging....

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Jabba Hutt accessories  Empty Re: Jabba Hutt accessories

Post by ChristianC Fri Jan 01, 2016 12:17 pm

Welcome Sean!

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is the local Mr Big Brain when it comes to anything Jabba and might be able to add something.
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Jabba Hutt accessories  Empty Jabba pics

Post by VintageHutt Fri Jan 01, 2016 9:10 pm

Here are some pictures of the Jabba box, playset, as well as the 2 additional figures that were included in the box in sealed bags with blue Kenner label.  Any ideas?


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Corellia Chugen

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Jabba Hutt accessories  Empty Re: Jabba Hutt accessories

Post by arohk Fri Jan 01, 2016 10:27 pm

I would have to say judging by the photos it's possibly a Canadian box it should say where it was made in the small print. However I don't ever recall one coming with Weequay and Chirpa I am thinking they were tossed in the box later on but I could be wrong.
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Jabba Hutt accessories  Empty Re: Jabba Hutt accessories

Post by Section 8 Fri Jan 01, 2016 11:46 pm

Looks like the Chirpa is possibly stood next to the mail away box he came in. It's unlikely that the bagged figures originally came inside the sealed Jabba play set, but came separatly in the small boxes.
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Jabba Hutt accessories  Empty Re: Jabba Hutt accessories

Post by Matthieu Mon Jan 04, 2016 6:29 pm

What you have is a Kenner Canada Jabba the Hutt playset.

To my knowledge there has never been any "special offer" Jabba playset including any free action figure, be it from Kenner, Kenner Canada or any other licensee.

My guess is that your bagged figures were thrown into the Jabba set box at some point.

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